Gut check: calibrating with yourself - the oxford english dictionary defines intuition as" the immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process" . Are you able to find your way through situations with incomplete data guiding you? Isaac Asimov said of the subject, "Intuition is the art, peculiar to the human mind, of working out the correct answer from data that is, incomplete or even, in itself, perhaps, misleading. " Are you in touch with your intuitive nature?
We' ve all had a gut feeling. - wrong place, wrong time. Maybe it came in the form of danger. Maybe it came in the form of romance as in: 'That' s the woman I' m going to marry. Patience, intention and study, attention. I can just feel it. ' Intuition is an aspect of emotional intelligence and can be strengthened like a muscle, in exactly the same way that persuasion can be strengthened. In business it' s entirely acceptable to follow these gut feelings, hunches or intuitions and, is really a, in fact sign that our other - than - conscious, our Gentle Genie is flawlessly and with ease guiding our lives as per our request. (Check out my other articles for an idea of how to get in touch with your Gentle Giant. ) When I experience a moment of intuitive clarity, I feel it in the back of my stomach, radiating sharply.
Others still, feel a hardness in the backs of their throats. - other people experience it as a jump in their chest. By paying attention to these physical shifts, the world of self - calibration opens up to us. Following your hunches and intuition should not negate logic or reason. These shifts can sometimes me huge differences in the things we do and measures we take to close a deal or get out of a dangerous or difficult situation. I' m not suggesting that at all.
Many people believe that hunches and intuition should be relegated to new age enthusiasts. - but when you combine them they can increase your powers of persuasion incredibly. But think of it this way: what' s a police officer without his gut instinct? Think of the unpleasantness that could have been avoided( a broken heart, a deal gone bad. . .) By checking in, and gaining clarity, centering, our persuasion is enhanced immeasurably in all aspects of life. Lee Iacoca once said, "The only mistake I ever made was not listening to my gut. " Can you remember back to a time when you ignored your gut? A really great resource on intuition is Laura Day' s book, 'Practical Intuition, ' which contains some amazing exercises to strengthen and stretch the" sixth sense" or really, what I like to think of as our relationship to and messages from our gentle giant.
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