Sunday, October 26, 2008

If You Do Use Broadcast Advertising, The Commercial Is Very Important


Great business consulting ideas - whether to rent, lease or buy a copy machine is up to you. Carbon paper means a loss of efficiency, and running over to the corner shop to get copies is going to cost you time and money, so be sure to fit some sort of copier into your business start - up costs. But virtually no business can get by without file copies.

If impossible at the very first, use the old carbon paper - you must have a copy for your file. - if you type at all - and there will always be at least a few letters that you should type personally - we suggest again that you go for the long haul probabilities and rent, lease or buy the best and most modern typewriter you can afford. Just how good a typist are you, well you can write sales letters, and how busy you want to be, should be the deciding factors about the typewriter. Later on, when you do move into that" dream" office, hat will be one less piece of equipment you will have to be concerned about. Definitely use some common sense and applied knowledge before spending any money on advertising. Once you' ve decided what areas of business consulting you want to be in, and have your office or working space set up, the next thing is to let people know you' re available for work.

Generally speaking, you will pick up some customers, regardless of the problem area you specialize in, by advertising in your area' s most popular newspaper. - check with your chamber of commerce for a list of trade and specialized business publishers in your area. However, we wouldn' t recommend much more than a small ad in the Sunday editions, unless you' re a direct mail, multi - level or garage sale consultant. Either pickup a sample copy of the business journal at the local newsstand or write to the publisher and ask for a sample. Check the editorial styles and types of advertising they carry, and then select the one that corresponds with your needs. Look through those catering to the type of business you want to serve.

Basically, unless a publication reaches the people you are trying to sell to, don' t advertise in it regardless of style, or advertising rates, quality. - the best time for any broad cast advertising in order to reach you best prospects seems to be in the evening hours after the late - night news, when these people are either still labouring over their special projects or relaxing before going to bed. Radio or television would probably be a complete waste of advertising dollars, unless you' re offering help with direct mail, multi - level marketing or garage sales. If you do use broadcast advertising, the commercial is very important. Even if you engage the services of an experienced broadcast copywriter, make sure the message speaks to your potential customers, and convinces them that you can help solve their problems or improve the profit picture of their business. Really concentrate on this, and use a lot of common sense in writing the message. Finally, where do you advertise?

The space salesman will help you with the ad, you want it, but remember to catch the eye of your particular client, and offer a promise of an end to his problems. - go with a quarter - page ad in the yellow pages of your telephone directory. Always talk to your kind of people, emphasizing the benefits of your services. Always get name, address and telephone number, then explain your services in general. It' s not good practice to quote or even discuss prices in either your advertising or on the phone when people respond. Set up an appointment to look over their operation, and make a, analyze their needs written proposal to solve their problems.

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