What is more fun to a shopper than picking up some real bargains? - you have to be living in a cave to not have heard of ebay. Let' s call it a cyber garage sale.
EBay calls itself the world' s marketplace, but I like to think of it as the largest garage sale in the world. - it is better than ordinary garage sales because you spend a whole lot less time and frustration looking at stuff you have no interest in. I understand that completely. Speaking of garage sales, I have a friend who still frequents them, and she meets quite a few people at sales that mention to her that they are interested in eBay, but they still have not gotten around to buying or selling on eBay. For a long time, agog at the, I browsed eBay prices, but I just did not understand it, so I bought nothing. Even without the listings of things for sale, eBay is a huge website. Then I had a friend who let me look over her shoulder as she showed me around on the eBay site and explained the basics of buying and selling.
There are pages upon pages of policies, helpful resources for, rules buyers, and much more, resources for sellers. - that is why having a helpful friend with ebay experience is of great benefit. In short it can take a long time to read and even longer to take action to buy or sell something for the very first time. What made me comfortable with buying on eBay was seeing the different screens on eBay( search, seller, product description' s feedback, etc. ) and having my friend point out what was important. Eighty percent may be an acceptable grade in school, but on eBay it is abysmal. Sometimes what was important was information that was missing, such as the words" new" or" smoke - free. " Once I understood how to find what I was searching for and once I understood about auctions and fixed price listings, I still needed to understand how to assess a seller' s feedback. As an eBay seller, my friend cared a great deal about her one - hundred percent positive feedback and keeping her customers happy, and I could see that.
Not only did I get comfortable with eBay, I also started having fun. - i gained an appreciation for what it means to be an ebay seller with several hundred feedbacks and a one - hundred percent score. Recently I purchased a couple of new clothing items for less than half the price of one and that includes the shipping. What is more fun to a shopper than picking up some real bargains?
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